After a rainy start to the weekend, some mountains in the Northeast saw the white stuff on early Sunday morning.

In New Hampshire, Mt. Washington had its first official powder day of the 2023-24 season. The Mt. Wshingont Observatory reports that they received 0.3 inches of snow, which means it’s time to bring out the rock skis. This made it the first measurable snowfall of Mt. Washington’s 2023-24 winter. While the tallest peak in the Northeast did see snow back in September, that storm was not measurable. It won’t be too long now until the Sherb is in.

Mt. Washington wasn’t the only Northeast mountain to see snow on Sunday morning. Whiteface Mountain saw snow at its summit, with Conor from the Highway Crew capturing the snow stuck to the ground.

Image Credits: Mount Washington Observatory, Whiteface Mountain/Conor

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